IOTA DXpedition 1999
Sponsors & Support
We gratefully acknowledge the sponsorship and support of the following companies and individuals as without them the DXpedition would not have been the success it was.
Thanks to Michelle & Peter at Airnorth for allowing us to take SO much excess luggage! Also to Ian, James & Nick for flying us safely to the islands and back. Good job guys!
Financial sponsorship
Former QSL Manager - Jim VK9NS (HIDXA) (SK) - current QSL via VK2CA
Power supply and assorted equipment
Thanks Rusty KG4AU for the initial web pages and for being team pilot for the duration
Individual sponsors & support
The Sharp Family (Darwin) - for accommodation in Darwin (and generally putting up with 3 mad Hams!)
Geoff VK8NGP (Darwin)- for just about everything that we could squeeze out of him :-) ie: Antenna's, poles, transport etc, etc, etc, Thanks Geoff!
Peter VK8PDG (Darwin)- Raising the awareness of this dxpedition via his broadcasts on his Winlink MBO/BBS and all of its systems along with postings on "The Home Of VK8PDG" , "Amateur Radio Zone 29.VK8" as well as "The Voice of Darwin" websites.. Also equipment and transport to and from the airport (would have been a long walk) Thanks Peter.
The Palmerston Amateur Radio Interest Group - did a lot to raise the awareness of this dxpedition via many different systems
Henry VK8HA (Darwin)- raising awareness of the event with his RTTY broadcasts etc. Also processing cards through the VK8 QSL Bureau
Jessie Owens (Alice Springs)- IOTA SWL ST568- Financial Donation
Toshiyuki Saito JM1PXG - Financial DonationJames- 9V1YC donating the ZL9CI Campbell Island DXCC Dxpedition Video
Mike WA5POK-Kingwood High School located
in Kingwood, Texas which is about 35 km north of Houston,
Texas. The call sign of our school club is K5KHS.
Doreen VK4MDS - a YL Amateur Operator from QLD Australia was active for the Children to talk to on both Islands
Thanks also to all the other operators who made contact with us on both islands and gave their time to talk with us and the kids....the kids loved it!