IOTA DXpedition 1999

Team / Equipment

Stuart VK8NSB (Alice Springs - NT)- Team Leader

Steve VK2SRN (Broken Hill - NSW)

Allan VK2CA /NNN (Broken Hill - NSW)

Peter ZL1HN (New Zealand)(retired hurt)

Equipment Used

Yaesu FT920    -    love that digital voice recorder!

Yaesu FT890    -    love that tuner

Yaesu FT757    -    just love it :-)

Writelog - logging software - made life easy!

3 Element 10m Yagi     -    almost 50% of all contacts on this little ripper! (10m & 12m!)

R7 Vertical    -    Second "main" antenna........great signals    

R5 Vertical    -    Another great performer (especially on WARC!)

40m Hygain/Telex Dipole    -     what a cool design!!

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