Norlfolk Island Flag
Norfolk Island Dxpedition 2015

Latest News

Update 3rd of May 2015:


QRT as of 2114 UTC on the 3rd of May with over 7100 in the log with over 4300 unique calls listed.  Final logs have been uploaded to both Clublog and Logbook of the World.  Please use the OQRS if possible if requesting QSL's.  Thank you.


Many thanks also to all those who contributed to the success of the trip.  Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate with us at almost any time which restricted our activities but still a good time was had by all.  Congratulations if you made it into the log and sorry if you did not... but we know we tried.  

See you next time from .....?


73 de VK9NT 2015 Team


Update 30th April 2015:


SOTA update - Jacky Jacky VK9/NO-002

This afternoon we have been given the go-ahead for this Saturday morning local time.  We board the boat at 0700 local for a 20 min trip followed by a 90 minute hike and climb to the summit.  Equipment will be a KX3 into a 20m dipole.


On this basis we expect to be active approx 9am local time - 2130z 1st May.  The guide has given us the ok to work until 0030z 2 May at which time we need to pack up and hike back to meet the boat.  Note a change in the weather could change these plans.


As with all such ventures, there are a number of factors that could impact our schedule, so please be patient and listen for us.  There will be 3 of us on the summit and we will be using the callsign VK3QB/9, so we'll do our best to be on the air for as much of the 3 hour window as possible. Note a change in the weather could change these plans.


Freq will be 14.062, 21.062 and 28.062 with SSB on 14.173, 21.273 and 28.473.


We hope to work you - and we will move around the bands and modes as propagation and contacts permit.


Oly will remain on Norfolk Island and keep VK9NT active.  For more detailed info please visit our web site


We also plan to activate Mt Bates VK9/NO-001 on Sunday morning local time; we'll use the same frequencies.  Again, this will depend on the weather.

More News..... from the 30th

Conditions on the higher bands have been very good.  We have good solid openings into EU, NA and OC.  Cx into AF and SA have not been as reliable.  Most contacts have been on 30m and up.  The lower bands (40, 80 and 160) have been very disappointing.  We will continue to focus on the bands that are making the grade so we can have as many contacts as possible.


Oly has been spending some time qrv on 6m and yesterday was rewarded with a good opening into JA, with 112 QSOs.  Today, Roy spent some time on 6m and managed one SSB QSO on 6m with JA. Roy is still trembling with excitement and is not certain if he will go back to HF or CW.


Luke hired a bike and has set a new "king of the mountain" record for cycling to the top of Mt Bates, SOTA VK9/NO-002.  Oly has also set a good pace on the bicycle.


Four days to go and we will continue to be as active as possible - but please understand that the low bands are just not performing and we have high noise levels.  Also, we are not equipped for digital modes?  We will tear down the stations early Monday morning our time, so our last activity will be about 2200z on 3 May.


Please check our website for other details, including QSL routes.  Any log queries, pls refer to our QSL manager. We hope to work you in the coming few days

73 VK9NT team

Update 29th April 2015:


The team have been advised that the weather is looking favourable for the boat trip to Philip Island to activate SOTA peak Jacky Jacky (VK9/NO-002).  We will notify via this web site as soon as we can confirm the schedule. We hope to give at least 12-24 hours notice.  It is most likely we will arrive at the island approx 2000z and will hike to the top of the peak, 280 m asl. 

We will endeavour to work to a rough schedule - but please note that conditions will be somewhat challenging. We have quite a hike up the peak with a guide and will be fully exposed to the sun and wind from the peak.  We are not sure how long we will be able to operate or what conditions will be like, but we intend to be active until approx 0100z. 

We expect to be active 2130z. We will be using a dipole and will be on 10, 15 and 20m. Freq 14.023, 21.023 and 28.023. SSB will be 14.174, 21.173 and 28.473. These bands have been giving us good solid contacts into VK, JA, EU and NA at this time of day (local 9-11am).

More news in the next 24-48 hours.  

The costs of the boat charter and guide will be $600-1000. We appreciate any small donations to help offset this cost.

NOTE. we are at the mercy of the weather. The trip could be cancelled with short notice.

 Two or three of the team will activate Jacky Jacky.  Listen for our personal calls.

73, Chris VK3QB, Roy, VK3GB and Oly, VK5XDX.


Update 26th April 2015:

The VK9NT team advised at 0900 UTC that they are experiencing violent storms tonight.  The Inv L for 160 is already down but the dipoles are holding on so far.  They advise they may go QRT for the rest of the night and assess what other damage has been done in the morning before getting back on air.


Update 25th April 2015:

The VK9NT team were QRV as AX9NT in commemoration of ANZAC day (until 1400UTC on 25th).  QSLing for the activation is the same as for VK9NT.  A seperate card will be available and logs will be available on Clublog etc. as soon as available.


Update 14th April 2015:

Final planning is well underway and the team is keen to get to the island.  We’ll have at least one station operating before nightfall on the 24th April local time.  At first light on the Saturday we’ll complete the setup of remaining antennas and plan to have up to three stations covering all bands from 160m through 10m.    If time allows, we’ll setup an antenna for 6m; watch our website for news once we’re on the island.


AX9NT – Special Prefix Activation for ANZAC Day

The VK9NT Team will be using the alternate prefix AX9 in commemoration of the ANZACs

 “The major commemoration is on the 25th April 2015 which is when Australian and New Zealand troops landed at Gallipoli, marking 100 years since our nation's involvement in WWI.

The ANZAC Centenary is a milestone of special significance for all Australians. The WWI helped define us as people and as a nation. During the ANZAC Centenary we remember not only the original ANZACs who served at Gallipoli and the Western Front, but commemorate more than a century of service by Australian servicemen and women.

The ANZAC Centenary Program takes in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations in which Australians have been involved. The program of commemoration activities aims to give all the opportunity to honour the service and sacrifice of all those who have worn our nation's uniform, including the more than 102,000 who have made the supreme sacrifice.

The commemoration encourages all radio amateurs to reflect upon and learn more about Australia's wartime involvement, the costs and its impacts on our nation.”  (WIA Website )

AX9NT will be active from 0001 25 April 2015 UTC for 24 hours only.  A special QSL Card will be designed and available to all radio amateurs will make a valid contact with us.


QSL routes are listed on our website – please follow QSL instructions.


SOTA Activations

Mt Bates VK9/NO-001.  Team members will activate Mt Bates, VK9/NO-001 with their home callsigns (listen for VK3QB/9).  The activation will most likely be on the weekend of 2nd and 3rd of May but, as with previous years, will be weather dependent.  Watch for updates via the web.

 Jacky Jacky VK9/NO-002.  The team has researched the viability of activating Jacky Jacky, a small peak at 280 masl located on Philip Island, approximately 1 km south of Norfolk Island.    We have plans in place to activate Jacky Jacky but the key consideration is team safety and local weather conditions.  The decision to activate Jacky Jacky can only be made once we are on the island and will be made with 12-24 hours notice.  The key determinant is the local weather conditions as access to the island is by small boat only; and with an extremely limited window of availability (daylight hours only) and safe mooring requirements.  Norfolk Island and Philip Island both have only fair weather mooring facilities and the weather can turn quite quickly. 

Should we be able to proceed with these plans, we will be chartering a vessel for private use and are required to also hire a guide to assist us in climbing the peak.  The cost is likely to be in the vicinity of $700-1,000 to activate Jacky Jacky.  Any donations will be gratefully accepted.  Watch the web (and our website) for news once we are on the island.  We should be able to provide at least 12 hours notice of this activation and will advise the frequencies and UTC times for the operation.  Again, we’ll be using home callsigns for this activation.

WorldWide Flora and Fauna in amateur radio

On completion of the DXpedition, we’ll provide our logs to the Australian co-ordinator for uploading to the WWFF Awards program.

 For all other news regarding VK9NT, please visit our web site.  We look forward to working you and hope you are able to get us in the log.

 Good DX from the VK9NT Team.


Update 18th Feb 2015:


Here we go again :-)


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